Monday - Friday 9:00am - 12:00pm
125 S. Clinton Street, Stockbridge MI 49285
(517) 851-9362
(517) 851-7530
As of May 10th, 2023 Stockbridge Township will be providing zoning and building department services for the Village of Stockbridge. We are happy to be working together and hope that this collaboration will provide all Stockbridge residents with a friendly, professional local service for their zoning and building department needs. Please follow this link for additional information:
The Building Department oversees and approves all Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Construction within the Village. The department is committed to protect, maintain, and improve health, safety, welfare, and the quality of life for residents and businesses located in our Village through enforcement of the International Property Maintenance Code, State of Michigan construction codes and local ordinances established for those purposes.
Permits are required prior to the placement, erection, alteration or display of any building, structure, fence, signage, billboard or banner within the village. Associated Government Services (AGS) issues all permits including zoning, building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, driveway, fence and signage. The Building permit application should be completed and submitted to the Building Department, located at the Village of Stockbridge Offices with all required attachments. The appropriate fees will be calculated and will be due when you pick up your permit. All contractors and companies doing business within the village must apply for a permit to conduct business.
Driveways accessing County and State are required to obtain a permit from Ingham County Road Commission at 517-676-9722. A soil erosion permit or waiver must be obtained from Ingham County Drain Commission at 517-676-8395.